You go to the gym every week, every day, yet you got typhoid. Right, you guys wanted to see movie yesterday. Make it full.! Guys, where should we go next? Wanna see a movie? What movie? No good movies to watch lately. So that, wonderful moments that we've been trough together like this, Won't be gone forever. Mom.! Let's go! And finally I decided to make a track record about five of us. Riani is similar to a nymph who came down from the sky. As well as the creator of facebook, twitter, and yahoo? Here she is, my third friend.

You have Discovery? National Geographic? The Explorer one? Prehistoric Animals? Do you also have Bill gates' biography, Steve jobs', George Lucas', Spielberg's. Tonight, whose turn is it? And the third curse is. Eat this! Eat this! Ouch! Iaaan! No more noodles! You eat noodles every day. Come on.! Come on.! You're doomed.! You're doomed.! Eat that my ball.!! Hahahah. Ian! According to us there are three varieties of curses Why Ian hasn't finished his graduate school. Hold on a second! Wherever we are, the five of us are always together. Because even until now his thesis is not completed yet.

Among five of us Ian is the only person who's been on a spell. And he really wants to have a girlfriend. The truth is Arial has never been on a date. Hi! You're Arial, right? I'm Indi, still remember? I asked your name like a couple days ago. Seriously, Al! I think they got ketchup here. My friend with the most well-built figure. Ram Soraya presents A Sunil Soraya production A film by Rizal Mantovani Have you ever had best friends That you've been friends with for almost ten long years, And without even missing a single weekend Just for hanging out with them together? Well, meet my friends here. Soraya Intercine Films In Association With "This great nation should also have a dream." ( 5cm ) Inspired from a true story.